General Code of Conduct

The focus of ISLAND SHOW CHOIR is to:

  • foster self-esteem

  • self- confidence

  • self-expression

  • individual merit

  • team work

Show choirs members are expected to work together, motivate, and support each other.

 All choir members will…

·        Maintain a positive attitude.

·        Focus and improve throughout each rehearsal and performance.

·        Attend and actively participate in all rehearsals and performances.

·        Show respect to all participants, directors, instructors, parents, and competitors.

·        Keep an open mind and be willing to try new methods.

·        Help others when in need and seek help when needed.

·        Have Fun!

Bully-Free Zone

Island Show Choir practices and performances promote a safe creative space for everyone. The development of our choir members is built on trust and respect and so any act of disrespect, bullying, harassment, or intimidation will NOT be tolerated. This includes any act which is written, verbal, graphic, physical, or electronically delivered (eg. Social media and cell phones) which provokes emotional or physical distress.

Appropriate consequences and measures will be taken to address any reported situations. This may include immediate dismissal from Island Show Choir.

Please report instances of disruptive behaviour to Island Show Choir Staff so we can address accordingly.

Choir Requirements

All show choir members should have an affinity for singing and dancing but do NOT need to be experts in either. There are no audition requirements for the glee choirs; however, a placement interview and singing evaluation may be required in order to determine the best suited choir. 

Rehearsal Attendance

Members of Island Show Choir glee choirs are expected to attend all rehearsals. All absences must be communicated and excused with instructors prior to absence. The directors will review any unexcused absences. Consequences could include students not being allowed to perform certain songs or entire performance set at the next event on the calendar.

Competition and Performance Attendance

All students are expected to participate in community events and ISC concerts unless it is pre-approved by the directors. Performance/competition shows are mandatory for students enrolled Competition and Touring choirs.

Excused vs. Unexcused Absences

Absences must be communicated and be pre-approved by director one month prior to the anticipated absence. While schedule modifications may be possible to enable student to be at both show choir and the other event, missing any performance will limit solo opportunities and blocking placements.

An unexcused absence is one that is not communicated prior or is communicated but not approved. Emergency situations will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Dress Code

Choir members should be dressed comfortably and in suitable clothes for dancing. Running shoes and character shoes are acceptable footwear.


Tuition to be paid monthly, bi-annually, or yearly by cash, cheque, e-transferring of funds, or credit card.

MINUET - $45/month

MELODY- *$90/month

INTERMEZZO- *$90/month

HARMONIA- *$90/month

REGISTRATION- $25 Registration Fee is due at time of registration.

COSTUMES- Some costumes throughout the season will be DIY and some will be at additional costs. Costumes will be ordered twice per year (Holiday Concert and Spring Concert). All efforts are made to keep costume fees down but students should expect to pay approximately $100-$150 per year (September-June) in costumes.

ADDITIONAL COSTS: Monthly Fees do not include travel expenses (out of town shows/ competition), dance footwear, make-up, undergarments, and hair accessories.


Fundraising is an important activity to help offset travel and competition expenses. 

Some of our most successful fundraisers:

·        Poinsettia Sales

·        Coffee Sales

·        Chocolate Almonds

Always open for new fundraising ideas!

Important Dates (2020/2021)


School Notices and Communications

Island Show Choir uses multiple formats through social media and emails to communicate notices and updates including website (, Facebook, and emails. It is the responsibility of each family to keep contact information and emails up to date.

Communication with Us

We welcome any question, comments, or concerns through:


Telephone: 250-208-9320